Living, Saying

How Saying No Became A Yes For Following My Dreams

When I said no to the opportunity for a promotion last fall, I knew it was the right decision for me. What I didn’t know was what exactly it meant for my future. At the time, I couldn’t have dreamed that in a few months I would find myself in London, pursuing my passion and building the foundation to create new purpose in my life as a style coach.


In London, with the inspiring women I met from around the world who share my passion for helping other women find their unique style and create a body positive self-image.


I have always loved learning and believe that if you’re comfortable, you’re not evolving. Throughout my 14-year career in healthcare, I have welcomed new challenges and possibilities for growth. When a new opportunity arose, I always said yes eagerly. As a result, I have built a career I am proud of.

After co-leading the opening of new clinical space and creation of a beautiful new center, I knew I had reached a milestone in my career. I also knew there was more I wanted that aligned with my other interests and talents outside of healthcare. I wanted to rediscover a feeling of passion and purpose in my work. I had recently started asking myself what I really wanted, not what I thought I should want or what was the safest choice. My desire to create my future with intention was forefront in my mind when I said no to that promotion, and in doing so gained more than I could have imagined.


Sipping cappuccino on the Troubadour’s charming patio in London.


So how did turning down a promotion get me to London? No, I didn’t quit my job and decide to jet off around the world. Although I wouldn’t say no to that opportunity, but I do have bills to pay and reality to live in! What did happen was I gave myself permission to daydream, to think without limitations and judgement, to throw out practicality and ask myself, “if I could be anything I wanted, what would that be? What am I good at? What do I love?”

It was through this process that I put two words together style + coach and began researching to see if it really was a profession. As I explored the internet, I came across a variety of training programs, but it wasn’t until I found the Style Coaching Institute in London that I knew I had found the right match for me. The program’s holistic approach to help clients focus inward to develop confidence and cultivate authentic personal style spoke to me. The Style Coaching Institute’s diploma course represented a perfect blend of my values and love of style.



I love clothes and expressing myself through style. As a little girl, playing dress up was one of my favorite activities. I could spend hours putting together different combinations pulled from my mother’s old and outdated items like prom gowns and two piece suits from the 60s. Today, feeling well dressed is part of what makes me feel confident and energized. I also love making other women feel beautiful. Through my work as a freelance makeup artist, I get to experience the moment a woman looks at herself in the mirror and beams because she feels beautiful. There is power in that and the way she holds herself has changed.

Personally, I know the power of transforming how we see ourselves and what self-confidence can do to reshape our self-image. For years I struggled with feeling unworthy and lacking an ability to truly love myself. I know all about self-shaming, self-doubt, and low self-esteem. Outwardly, people thought I had lots of confidence. I was outgoing and social, I loved to look stylish and took care in what I wore, but inside I was hurting and struggling to find a sense of worth. Changing my beliefs about myself didn’t happen overnight, but today, I love who I am both inside and out.


In the Gallery room at Sketch London. It’s my dream room, all in pink.


We are so much more than our clothes and I want to inspire others to build inner confidence and experience how even the smallest shift can create a pathway for change and self-discovery. Style coaching is not just about clothing, it is about breaking down limiting beliefs so we can live our most authentic life. If I can help someone cultivate a little more self-love, I am blessed and grateful for that opportunity.

My time in London was amazing. It is hard to put into words the power I felt from saying yes to my dreams. As I pulled away from the hotel, headed to the airport to return to the States, I found myself weeping in the back of the car, overcome with emotions of gratitude for the experience and to myself for saying yes to me. Investing my money and time into this training had been a stretch for me, but at that moment I knew I had given myself so much more than I could have imagined. I knew I was never again going to be that woman who didn’t believe she could shine. I said yes to me and in doing so validated that I wasn’t just talking about self-love, I was living it.

Don’t limit your imagination because it is never too late to be whoever you want to be! Believing that you’re in charge of your dreams is the first step to manifesting change in your life.

Loves, V

P.S. I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and share a time you went after a dream or achieved that goal you set for yourself or what are you dreaming about making happen in your life?






















(2) Comments

  1. V –
    You are a truly gorgeous woman on many fronts. I mean this in the way you dress, accessorize, walk and conduct yourself and certainly in the way you push yourself forward. The journey to London exemplifies your real strength, commitment, courage and confidence. You are a true inspiration for me to get off my ass and push myself forward. To do that I may need a little advice and energy – so I’ll be in touch. Absolutely love this months writing V, thank you so much. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! At times just putting one foot in front of the other can feel impossible, but you have come through so much. You are absolutely an example of strength and courage. Don’t forget that Liz! We all need things to inspire us to push through and make changes. It starts with making the choice to be happy and pick you as the priority. I am here for you any time you need some advice, energy or a reminder that you’re worth the work and you deserve to choose happiness.

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