
Kiss it Goodbye in 2015!

With the start of the New Year most of us make resolutions about all the things we want to start doing or change. This year I am approaching the New Year with the attitude of cleaning my life out, kissing goodbye those things that bring me down, make me crazy and all around I just want to stop!

Feeling guilty. I am over feeling guilty for wanting more out of life! In 2015, I am unapologetically going after happiness!

Impossible waist lines and Photoshop lies. Let’s get real with what’s real! Enough with the Kim Kardashian’s of the world balancing champagne glasses on their ass’ and the rest of us mortals wondering why we are so lame and can’t do that? I want to see real woman please!

And on that note, enough with the Kardashians. I hate to love these women; I can’t stop watching them! But lately, I have to say my love is fading. Why can’t these women use their fame for something good, instead of polluting the world with pictures of themselves?

The douchebags of the world. I am kicking these men to the curb. Enough with the egos! There is no room in my life for men who are anything less then real men.

Wearing a trend just for trend’s sake. Not all trends are meant for every body. If the newest look doesn’t suit your body: just say no. I mean it…this is for the good of everyone. Stick with a classic piece and add trendy accessory instead.

FOMO (fear of missing out). Instead I am going to celebrate the life I am living now.

Horrible Bosses. I am not suggesting we off them a la the Blockbuster hit, but it’s time to stop taking their shit personally. Life is too short and there are too many other fabulous things to spend our time on.

The foundation Line. Foundation that doesn’t match your skin tone…please stop this NOW!

Social media addiction. In 2015, I vow to put the cell phone down and spend more time in the present and BE with the people I am with.

Perfectionism. It is not real; no more striving for an illusion.

Bottom eyeliner only. This is just a makeup no no. If you are only going to line one side of your lash line, make it the top! Wearing liner only on the bottom lash line brings the eye down, not to mention as we age this look will bring attention to crow’s feet.

Toxic people. This is the year I am surrounding myself with people who energize my life. Out with the leeches, downers, and all-around shitty people.

Ims. I am full of opinions and can get a little judgy (clearly, considering this list) but this year I am going try hard to not use someone’s appearance, age, gender identity or financial status to formulate opinions about them before I take the chance to know them.

Loves, V

(6) Comments

  1. Tania albert says:

    What a cool name and love the words of wisdom!!!

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to sharing more!

  2. kathleen kennedy says:

    I love the name, sweet!!! Love every word you wrote. I can totally relate every bit of it. Time to celebrate a new year 2015 and you’ve already begun. Continue on your new beginning. AMEN.

  3. Tamara says:

    Love this!

  4. Lindsey says:

    Amen sister! xx

  5. Love this! Time to get real!

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