
Shhhhh, I’m doing Sunday

Oh weekend, how I love you! Sunday night comes and I am already dreaming of Friday evening!

Weekends are a time to get through our to do lists, catch up on all that we couldn’t get to during the week and prepare for the week ahead. Most importantly for me, it is when I take time to take care of me. I covet the unscheduled moments and intentionally carve out time on my calendar to recharge. We all need rituals to reconnect with ourselves, slow down, and remember that often it is the simple things in life that bring us the most pleasure and satisfaction. In this blog post, I share a little about my rituals and how I spend time alone. I honestly love time alone, this is how I refresh.

Regardless of weekday or weekend, part of my morning routine is making my London Fog latte. I use two tea sachets of Harney and Sons Earl Grey and froth almond milk with a few drops of vanilla cream Stevia. I’m so obsessed with my tea latte that I have been known to bring my frother with me when traveling. What can I say? I love my morning cup of tea and anything less than the complete experience will not do.

One of my favorite weekend luxuries is staying in bed with my cup of tea reading. If I get one weekend morning for this indulgence, I feel pampered. I love thumbing through a fashion magazine or finally picking up that book on my nightstand. Most recently, I have been interested in memoirs. I think this might be my attempt to inspire myself to finish a personal essay I started almost two years ago and can’t get quite right. Someday I will finish the essay, for now I am enjoying these hilarious and fearless women sharing their stories. I recently finished “It’s Messy” by Amanda de Cadenetand and I am currently reading “The Last Black Unicorn” by Tiffany Haddish. There is a common theme of resiliency in both their stories even though each woman’s story is very different. Both women experienced dysfunctional childhoods, physical abuse, bad relationships, were told they couldn’t but did. They each used humor and tenacity to rise above. These two women have lived through events that make for juicy story-telling, but shine a light on the heartbreaking realities of life for so many women.

Even when lounging at home, I have to look cute. You will never find me in an oversized T shirt and sweats because I don’t own any. I am unapologetically feminine, I decorate with pink, I wear silk bathrobes and nighties, I sleep in pink sheets, and yes, I sleep with that little pink sleep mask! You won’t find my bed unmade, dishes in the sink or clothes on my closet floor, staying organized keeps me feeling sane.

In fact, I love to organize. The feeling of taking a mess and bringing order to it actually is a stress reliever for me. I get great satisfaction from my twice annual closet overhauls, reviewing my seasonal wardrobe and donating anything that no longer suits me. “Alexa, put on Taylor Swift,” is how I start an afternoon of organizing. Yes, I am a Swiftie and her most recent album Reputation is playing as I write this blog post! I love a good playlist while I clean, organize or cook. I have frequent solo dance parties and dance like no one is watching because no one is! These are the joys of living alone that I cherish.

Of course, my life on the weekend is not all about just lounging around reading or dancing to Taylor Swift. I hit the gym or attend a class at Core Power Yoga in my neighborhood, catch up with friends or family, tackle projects, or schedule something fun like a ski trip this time of year.

Running errands and meal prep for the week ahead are always on my weekend to do list. I make my menu for the week and prep as much as I can on Sunday. Making a healthy breakfast that is quick and easy to pack for work is essential. One of my staples is a chickpea peanut butter muffin that is so yummy! You can find the recipe at the bottom of this post. Having healthy options readily on hand makes sticking to a healthy meal plan easier, as well as frees up my time in the evening.

Another weekend habit for me is reviewing my current goals. I take time on Sunday to revisit my goals, create a schedule for my upcoming week and try to identify time to work on tasks I need to complete to stay on target. Having intention and holding myself to seeing through that intention is a constant refocus for me. I am easily distracted so creating a ritual around my goals is my attempt to remain focused on working towards what I desire in my life. Now if only we could institute three day weekends!

Stay positive, work hard, make it happen…and be sure to take time for you!

Loves, V

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(5) Comments

  1. Julie says:

    This might be my favorite post yet! Although, your general level of productivity and organization makes me feel like I am really failing at life lately. Oh well, there’s always next week!! xoxo

    1. I realize my level of organization is a bit much! You are definitely not failing at life!

  2. Susan says:

    I love this Victoria!!!💕But I have to keep asking myself, where did you come from? You are definitely not your mother’s daughter!!! Love you!!❤️

    1. Susan, I think it is GiGi Munn in me…and Tania! There was never a day you asked me to clean my room growing up. I was just born this way!

      1. So true!!

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